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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * Component layout for grid column headers which have a title element at the top followed by content.
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.grid.ColumnComponentLayout', {
    extend: 'Ext.layout.component.Auto',
    alias: 'layout.columncomponent',

    type: 'columncomponent',

    setWidthInDom: true,

    beginLayout: function(ownerContext) {
        var me = this;

        ownerContext.titleContext = ownerContext.getEl('titleEl');
        ownerContext.triggerContext = ownerContext.getEl('triggerEl');

    beginLayoutCycle: function(ownerContext) {
        var me = this,
            owner = me.owner;


        // If shrinkwrapping, allow content width to stretch the element
        if (ownerContext.widthModel.shrinkWrap) {

        // When we are the last subheader, bordering is provided by our owning header, so we need
        // to set border width to zero
        var borderRightWidth = owner.isLast && owner.isSubHeader ? '0' : '';
        if (borderRightWidth !== me.lastBorderRightWidth) {
            owner.el.dom.style.borderRightWidth = me.lasBorderRightWidth = borderRightWidth;

            paddingTop: '',  // reset back to default padding of the style
            paddingBottom: ''

    // If not shrink wrapping, push height info down into child items
    publishInnerHeight: function(ownerContext, outerHeight) {
        // TreePanels (and grids with hideHeaders: true) set their column container height to zero ti hide them.
        // This is because they need to lay out in order to calculate widths for the columns (eg flexes).
        // If there is no height to lay out, bail out early.
        if (!outerHeight) {

        var me = this,
            owner = me.owner,
            innerHeight = outerHeight - ownerContext.getBorderInfo().height,
            availableHeight = innerHeight,
            pt, pb;

        // We do not have enough information to get the height of the titleEl
        if (!owner.noWrap && !ownerContext.hasDomProp('width')) {
            me.done = false;

        // If we are not a container, but just have HTML content...
        if (ownerContext.hasRawContent) {
            titleHeight = availableHeight;

            // Vertically center the header text and ensure titleContext occupies availableHeight
            textHeight = owner.textEl.getHeight();
            if (textHeight) {
                availableHeight -= textHeight;
                if (availableHeight > 0) {
                    pt = Math.floor(availableHeight / 2);
                    pb = availableHeight - pt;
                    ownerContext.titleContext.setProp('padding-top', pt);
                    ownerContext.titleContext.setProp('padding-bottom', pb);

        // There are child items
        else {
            titleHeight = owner.titleEl.getHeight();
            ownerContext.setProp('innerHeight', innerHeight - titleHeight, false);
        // Only IE6 and IEQuirks needs this.
        // This is why we maintain titleHeight when setting it.
        if ((Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIEQuirks) && ownerContext.triggerContext) {


    // We do not need the Direct2D sub pixel measurement here. Just the offsetHeight will do.
    // TODO: When https://sencha.jira.com/browse/EXTJSIV-7734 is fixed to not do subpixel adjustment on height,
    // remove this override.
    measureContentHeight: function(ownerContext) {
        return ownerContext.el.dom.offsetHeight;

    publishOwnerHeight: function(ownerContext, contentHeight) {
        // Only IE6 and IEQuirks needs this.
        // This is why we maintain titleHeight when setting it.
        if ((Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIEQuirks) && ownerContext.triggerContext) {

    // If not shrink wrapping, push width info down into child items
    publishInnerWidth: function(ownerContext, outerWidth) {
        // If we are acting as a container, publish the innerWidth for the ColumnLayout to use
        if (!ownerContext.hasRawContent) {
            ownerContext.setProp('innerWidth', outerWidth - ownerContext.getBorderInfo().width, false);

    // Push content height outwards when we are shrinkwrapping
    calculateOwnerHeightFromContentHeight: function (ownerContext, contentHeight) {
        var result = this.callParent(arguments);

        // If we are NOT a group header, we just use the auto component's measurement
        if (!ownerContext.hasRawContent) {
            if (this.owner.noWrap || ownerContext.hasDomProp('width')) {
                return contentHeight + this.owner.titleEl.getHeight() + ownerContext.getBorderInfo().height;

            // We do not have the information to return the height yet because we cannot know
            // the final height of the text el
            return null;
        return result;

    // Push content width outwards when we are shrinkwrapping
    calculateOwnerWidthFromContentWidth: function (ownerContext, contentWidth) {
        var owner = this.owner,
            inner = Math.max(contentWidth, owner.textEl.getWidth() + ownerContext.titleContext.getPaddingInfo().width),
            padWidth = ownerContext.getPaddingInfo().width,
            triggerOffset = this.getTriggerOffset(owner, ownerContext);
        return inner + padWidth + triggerOffset;
    getTriggerOffset: function(owner, ownerContext) {
        var width = 0;
        if (ownerContext.widthModel.shrinkWrap && !owner.menuDisabled) {
            // If we have any children underneath, then we already have space reserved
            if (owner.query('>:not([hidden])').length === 0) {
                width = owner.self.triggerElWidth;
        return width;